Las Vegas Real Estate Directory

Recently added Las Vegas / Real Estate related listings, and listing which don't fit in any other category. Please select appropriate category if you add a (free) listing.

House to Home Inspection, LLC. - have your new home professionally inspected before you buy. Save thousands of dollars on items which you may be able to have the seller or builder correct. NV State Licensed Inspector of Structures, (License #193). Fully Insured. Providing home inspection services throughout Clark County area. Contact Frank Benzinger.

Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce - directory of chamber member businesses, community info and events.

Las Vegas Weather - real-time online Las Vegas area weather and travel info from Weather Underground.

Official City of Las Vegas Website - government info and access to Las Vegas government servicves. Award winning website where you can find everything from agendas and minutes of meetings to information about business licenses, Las Vegas History, Parking Tickets, Permits and even "Street Disruption Reports" and Traffic Cams!

Santoli Realty, Inc. - full service commercial real estate brokerage firm serving the needs of Las Vegas Nevada business properties since 1979. Contact Benjamin Santoli Sr. or Thomas Santoli for site selection and space planning assistance, investment property management info, commercial development and other commercial real estate sales and leasing matters.

Self Storage Las Vegas - Storage tips and advice. Packing materials and guide from Las Vegas Self Storage company. Storage facilities in six locations in Las Vegas and Henderson Nevada. Links to self storage facilities in other areas.

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